New York Newsletter Archive 2015
December 4, 2015
* Ensuring that integration succeeds: DAAD’s measures for refugees * New DAAD Campaign to further increase mobility of German students * Partnership between DAAD and Mitacs to strengthen German-Canadian research networks * New RISE Website Launches, Databases for RISE Germany and RISE Professional Now Open * Undergraduate Scholarship Portal Now Open
November 20, 2015
* Two Job Openings at DAAD New York * Job Announcement: Office Administrator/Program Assistant at Heidelberg University Association (New York) * DAAD Faculty Summer Seminar in German Studies 2016 * P.R.I.M.E.: Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience
Special Announcement: November 16, 2015
*An Increase of 8.7% of US Study Abroad Students to Germany in 2013/14
November 13, 2015
* New RISE Website Launches, Database Opening Soon * Information on German Higher Education for Refugees * Upcoming Deadlines for DAAD Grants * German Studies Association: Call for Seminar Proposals
November 6, 2015
* “Enjoying the experiences of an uncommon life” in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina * Two job openings at the German House in New York with GAIN and GCRI * Photo competition: ‘Mobility around the globe – How people and goods travel from A to B’ * Upcoming Deadlines for DAAD Grants
October 16, 2015
* DAAD Alumna receives Nobel Prize in Literature * Career Booster Event at Goethe-Institut * Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses: Scholarships for graduate students and young scholars * Approaching Deadlines for German Studies Grants
October 9, 2015
* Host a German research intern with RISE worldwide! * #90yearsDAAD Social Media Contest comes to Facebook! * “Research in Germany” Graduate Opportunities Fair: Toronto, October 19th * Dr. William Gray Receives the 2015 DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship
October 2, 2015
* 2nd German Higher Education Virtual Fair: Put Germany on your Resume! * Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals * The BGHS announces two scholarship programs for Summer 2016
September 25, 2015
* DAAD to host two webinars in October * Upcoming deadline for Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists * Reminder: September’s #90yearsdaad Contest on Instagram * New deadlines announced for Intensive Language and University Summer Course Grants
September 18, 2015
* Destination Europe Conference Showcases Research Opportunities across Europe * Career Booster Event at Goethe-Institut * Scholarships Available for UAS7 Study and Internship Opportunities in Germany – Deadline October 1st, 2015
September 4, 2015
* 2nd German Higher Education Virtual Fair: Put Germany on your Resume! * New #90yearsdaad Contest on Instagram * Extended Early Bird Registration for the 18th IIE Colloquium
August 28, 2015
* Job Opportunity at the German Center for Research and Innovation * Tweet us your #90yearsDAAD Emoji Story! * RISE worldwide: Host a DAAD-funded Intern
August 21, 2015
* The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program * “Brexit, Grexit and the Rest: Europe in Dissolution or Towards post-Crisis Unity?” * Scholarships Available for UAS7 Study and Internship Opportunities in Germany – Deadline October 1st, 2015 * Webinar for DAAD Alumni: “Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance”
August 14, 2015
* Research in Germany’s 2016 Science Tour: Smart Cities – The Future of Urban Development * #90yearsDAAD Social Media Contest, Round 3: Emoji on Twitter * TU9 Roadshow across the USA: Research Opportunities in Germany * Reminder: Early-Bird Registration for the 18th Colloquium on International Engineering Education ends Sept. 1st! * Erasmus Program Increasingly Popular Despite Financial Crisis * Call for Applications: EMGIP-Bundestag Internship
July 24, 2015
Exciting statistics on German Higher Education–Wissenschaft weltoffen 2015: Trends in International Student Mobility–Research in Germany Career Fair and Workshop at GAIN 2015–DAAD awards Theodor-Berchem Prize to Prof. Ryuichi Higuchi
July 10, 2015
* #90yearsDAAD Social Media Contest: Round 2 * Call for Applications: EMGIP – Bundestag Internship * Cast your vote for your favorite #MissionResponsible Project!
June 26, 2015
* #90yearsDAAD Social Media Contest * DAAD congratulates Navid Kermani on winning the 2015 Peace Prize of the German Book Trade * Exploring funded postdoc opportunities at Ruhr-Universität Bochum * PAUWES – A Joint Project of the Pan African University, DAAD, GIZ and KfW
June 19, 2015
* Call for Applications: Falling Walls Lab Berlin * Webinar on reintegration into domestic job markets * Impressions from #90JahreDAAD press conference in Berlin * 15. GAIN Jahrestagung in San Francisco
June 12, 2015
* Call for Applications: DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies * Press Conference for DAAD’s 90th anniversary in Berlin on June 17th * “Research in Germany” at the National Meeting of the American Chemical Society
June 5, 2015
* DAAD Reunification Essay Contest – The Results Are In! * DAAD’s joins the So German! Si Allemand ! Campaign * Register for the 18th Colloquium on International Engineering Education * Scholarships Available for UAS7 Study and Internship Opportunities in Germany – Deadline October 1st, 2015
May 22, 2015
* Announcement of DAAD Contest Finalists * DAAD’s Representation at NAFSA * Upcoming Webinar on The Role of Education for Sustainable Development
May 15, 2015
* DAAD New York Is Seeking an IT Intern * Upcoming Webinar in DAAD Webinar Series * Call for Applications: German Chancellor Fellowship
May 8, 2015
* Upcoming Deadline – DAAD Young Ambassadors Program * Call for Green Talents Competition 2015! * Call for Applications: International Scholarship Program
May 1, 2015
* DAAD Webinar Series: Study Abroad Opportunities at Jacobs University Bremen * Upcoming Deadline: Annual DAAD North America Contest – Reunification in 250 Words or Less! * Mitacs and DAAD to establish bilateral internship initiative
Special Announcement – April 17, 2015
Virtual German Higher Education Fair USA and Canada 2015
April 10, 2015
* DAAD Webinar Series: Study Abroad Opportunities at Jacobs University Bremen * Upcoming Deadline: Annual DAAD North America Contest – Reunification in 250 Words or Less! * Call for Nominees: Fritz Stern Dissertation Prize
April 3, 2015
* Part-Time Job Opening at DAAD New York * Summer Internship Opportunity at DAAD New York * Annual DAAD Sound Understanding Concert in NYC * Twelve Funded Doctoral Fellowships in Environmental Humanities in Europe
March 20, 2015
* Upcoming DAAD Webinar * Annual DAAD Sound Understanding Concert in NYC * International ranking confirms excellent reputation of German universities * Call for Applications: Fellowships with the Berlin Research Group
March 13, 2015
* Reunification in 250 Words or Less! Annual DAAD North America Contest * Summer Internship Opportunity at DAAD New York * German Summer School in the Ruhr Metropolis * Application Deadline for International Summer University at University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
* AICGS’ New Transatlantic Exchange Program for Young Minorities * Call for Participants: US-German Next Generation Project * Call for Applications: 9 PhD Fellowships in Ancient Civilization Studies
February 13, 2015
* Chat with DAAD Virtual Study Abroad Fair * Upcoming DAAD Webinar Series on Funding Opportunities to Germany * Call for Proposals: 18th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education
February 6, 2015
* Call for Applications: Leibniz-DAAD Fellowship Program * Summer and Fall EPA Internships for Berlin * Call for Nominations: Margherita-von-Brentano-Preis
January 30, 2015
* Call for 2015-16 DAAD Research Ambassadors * “Research in Germany” – Information Session in Boston * Call for Applications: 20 Incoming Postdoc Fellowships at Freie Universität Berlin
January 23, 2015
* Call for Applications: DAAD 2015 Germany Today Tour * Have you heard of the DAAD Young Ambassadors? * DAAD Webinar Series: Getting a Graduate Degree at the School of Integrated Climate System Sciences (SICSS) at the Universität Hamburg
January 9, 2015
* Dr. Stephen J. Silvia Receives the 2014 DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship * DAAD Webinar Series: Undergraduate Study Opportunities for Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) * DAAD Deadline Reminder: January 31th is the Deadline to Apply for Undergraduate Scholarship